Ing. Róbert Bulla, PhD.

Graduate of the Doctoral study program: Sectorial and Branch Economics (2010)
Graduate of the Master study program: International Trade (2001)

After graduating he worked as:

01.09.2001 -  20.12.2001: Switzerland, practice after graduation
02.2002 – 09.2002: Ministry of Agriculture and the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, different positions
10.10.2002 – 31.12.2004: FEM SPU; Internal PhD student (after completing the exam, changing to an external form)
01.01.2005 – 31.08.2008: AT & T Global Network Services (Telecommunications); Project Implementation Manager responsible for German-speaking countries
01.09.2008 – 13.05.2014: UNIQA IT Services (Insurance); Project Manager
13.05.2014 – 01.09.2014: UNIQA IT Services (Insurance); IT Client Manager responsible for Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania and Projects for Headquarters in Vienna – Austria

Currently he works as:
Process Operations Lead, senior management member of LEDVANCE In-Country Manager responsible for Special Operations; LEDVANCE LBS EMEA. Number of employees in the department: 80

Čo mi dalo štúdium na FEM (využitie poznatkov zo školy) a odkaz pre FEMkárov:
Študujte jazyky v čo možno najväčšom počte.
Spoznávajte ľudí a svet, využite čo najviac zahraničné pobyty (my sme toľko možností nemali).
Začnite s Networkingom už počas štúdia.
Vytvorte si pracovné návyky už počas štúdia.
Choďte si za svojim cieľom a nenechajte sa nikým odradiť.
Buďte vytrvalí v tom čo robíte, aj keď si myslíte alebo Vám bude povedané že už ste na konci, že viac sa už nedá...
Never give up!
